Welcome to the homepage of the Fjordur archaeological research

Due to construction of avalanche protection walls in Seydisfjord, East Iceland, an archaeological excavation was needed as the walls will inevetably disturb remains. The research is carried out where the historical farm Fjordur used to be and from which the research gets it’s name.

The aim of this website is to communicate the archaeological findings and results.

The research started in 2020 when test trenches and a small ruin were excavated

The summer of 2021 a farm mound, mill and a sheep shed from the 18th-20th centuries were excavated according to plan. However, archaeologists uncovered medieval structures and cultural layers from under the farm mound. Then, under the medieval layers, archaeologists found four burials dating to the Viking period. Thus a 1000 year history of Seydisfjordur and Iceland was uncovered in a single spot.

In the summer of 2022 a new excavation area was opened just south of the farm mound. There archaeologists found a longhouse with a weaving room, animal houses and a farm midden from 11-13th centuries.

In summer 2023 excavation of the longhouse continues. Who knows what will turn up in the future (or the past)?! Follow us on social media for regular updates on this exciting excavation.