The Sheep shed

A test trench was excavated first across the ruin to estimate its use and age. Tephra from 1477 was found in the walls and tephra from 1875 on top of the ruin.

This means the sheepshed must have been in use between these dates, most likely in the 18th – 19th century.

The sheepshed is built with stacked stones at the bottom and turf on top in a horseshoe shape with a trough in the middle. Stones must be staked to the height of the animal so they don’t take down the turf walls.

Only one find can be directly associated with the shed, a small knife found in the floor. Archaeological finds are usually few from animal houses because dung is regularly cleaned out. The farmer or shepherd possibly lost it while tending his sheep.

A sheepshed like this is very typical for its period and Eastern Iceland.



